مظاهر التَّشدُّد النحوي عند الكوفيين في بابي المعرب والمبني والنكرة والمعرفة


Signs of Grammatical Rigidness Among the Koufians

In the Two Sections of Almu'rab-Almabni and Alnakirah-Alma'rifah



Presented by Dr. Mohammad  Abdullah Al Saif


essor at the College of the Arabic Language and Social StudiesAssistant Prof,

Qassim University



The Koufi school is the second pillar of grammar studies in the history of Islamic thought. It went hand in hand with the School of Basra since the second phase of Grammar which is the phase of emergence and growth .It also has a remarkable historical record of influential contributions in authoring, investigating, teaching and all kinds of independent thinking and doctrinal institutionalism all of which make it a full fledged doctrine with its own independent views that are based on hearing, analogy which is also the method followed by the Basra school although they differ in the emphasis they give to one or the other of these two basic principles.


Despite the prominent role of this school in Grammar history, it was subjected to severe criticism by both old and modern scholars on a number of grounds notable among which is the allegation that it is a doctrine which is based on leniency and inexcusable tolerance for the usage of the language and a lack for strict language scrutiny rules .


The present study comes after closely following and critically analyzing grammar reference sources so as to nullify this theory which as been circulated around for centuries. It does not take the theory for granted but rather it highlights the signs of rigidity and restrictiveness on the part of the Koufians in grammatical issues in the two subjects of almu'rab-almabni and alnakirah- alma'rifa and other subjects will follow in subsequent studies ,insha Allah. This Koufian grammatical rigidness, though not comparable to that of Basrah, was definitely present in a way that decisively absolves them of any allegations of leniency or inexcusable tolerance.


The author surveyed the issues of Koufian grammatical rigidness in the first chapter with the use of eighteen cases in which he exerted some effort in authenticating and assessing each issue. This was followed by a general analysis of these issues in the second chapter which exposed the signs of the Koufian rigidity and their motives and reported the major findings of the research .


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