ما أشكلَ على الصحابةِ معناهُ من كلامِ النبيِّ عليهِ الصلاةُ والسلامُ
Prophet Mohammed’s Hadiths that His Companions Found Meaningfully Unclear
Abdullah Mohammad Hayani D:
Associate Professor
Arabic Department, Faculty of Arts, King Faisal University
Research Summary : This research investigates the following question: why did the prophet’s companions find that some of his hadiths to be unclear though they are originally native speakers of Arabic. The study covered ten hadiths; these have been included in two major sections. The first section was about the questions which the prophet – peace be upon him-directed to his companions; in this section, five hadiths have been discussed, each in a separate subsection. The second section tackles the companions’ questions to the prophet where the other five hadiths have been discussed, each in a separate subsection.
The research findings are summarized at the conclusion part of this study. The study concludes with a list of references including the books and resources used for this research in addition to a table of contents.