The Sociology of Religious Alienation: the Western epistemological paradigm comparing with the Islamic paradigm. An analytical inductive comparative study on a sample of The Noble Hadiths in the Alienation.
Abstract : This study aims to establishing at an Islamic epistemological paradigm for studying the sociology of " religion's alienation " in Islamic societies, by employing an inductive analytical method on the Sahih from the holy prophetic Hadiths in " religion's alienation ", and critical reading in the traditions of three Muslim scholars in religion's alienation: Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Rajab, and Imam Shatby, then comparing these interactions with those of four Western philosophers and theorists: Hegel, Feuerbach, Emile Durkheim, Robert Merton, and presenting a proposal for enriching theoretical assumptions on the medium-term "non-normative" theory of Robert Merton. Researcher came up with some results and Practical indicators for studying religion's alienation in Islamic societies.