Influ The effects of the Crusades on craft activities and handicrafts in Alexandria during the Ubaidian and Ayyubid eras (362-648 AH./972-1250AD.)


 The research is concerned with studying the effects of the Crusades on the patterns of craft activities and handicrafts in Alexandria, by presenting an overview of the Crusader attempts to control Alexandria, starting with the Crusader siege and the damages incurred by that siege, it discussed the campaign launched by William II of Sicily on Alexandria. Then, it investigated the impact of the Crusades on the types of crafts practiced in the City during the Crusades. It also identified the definition of crafts and workmanship as well as the definition of food industries. At that time, food industries included, for example, oil extraction industry. There were also iron tools and equipments industry, shipbuilding industry, and military tools industry.

Afterwards, the study tackled the crafts which were practiced by native people, especially the resistance, and the crafts which were related to war and resistance, such as: iron crafts and industries and fences and castles building.


food industries, oil extraction, shipbuilding, military tools, Iron industries.
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