Forms of Exaggerated Trust in Grammar Lesson (An Objective Study)
The research tackles the phenomenon of exaggerated trust in some exemplars, how to contend it, and its impact on judgments and weighing statements. This impact reflected on adding a conjugation, inflexion, unique hearing, narration with which the exemplar is proven, acceptance of simulated exemplar or said by an anonymous scholar, or a scholar who confines trust only to his exemplars rather than others, or considering the use of grammatical exceptions as acceptable, and correct alternatives (standardizing the exceptions). His plan is included right after the introduction and before the conclusion, in the preface; It is about the exaggerated trust and whether to accept it and rely on it or not. The preface is followed by three chapters about the increased conjugations, constructions, and exemplar. This research is based on a descriptive analytic approach and focuses on the study of the impacts of this exaggerated trust on grammarians’ book; however, he restricts to those stated by grammarians to avoid redundancy. Eventually, the research has come to three conclusions. Firstly, the exaggerated trust is acceptable on condition that he who holds the exaggerated trust must have justice, discipline, and perfection; justice is only a condition for the narrator not the speaker. Nevertheless, accepting it does not imply complete reliance on it as there is a difference which will be shown as we proceed in the research.