The emotion of love in the Thamudic inscriptions in Ha’il region: A historical and cultural study
The research entitled “the emotion of love in the Thamudic inscriptions in Ha’il region: A historical and cultural study” examines the love emotion of the inhabitants of the ancient Hail region through their inscriptions, which they have taken to digging on the rocks of this area. This emotion was embodied in a set of short words through which lovers sought to declare their love, some of them concealed their desire to vent this emotion in silence and refused to disclose it. It also aims at examining the concept of love in Ha’il community, in explaning the words expressing this emotion and describing the most important ways used by the Hail residents to preserve love, as well as knowing the pests that affected this emotion and caused the separation of lovers. Finally, the research comes up with a set of influential social, linguistic, cultural, and religious connotations associated with this emotion.
Keywords: Thamudi inscriptions, Ha’il, love, adoration.
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