Narrative allusions in the mystical novel (Little Death of: Mohammad Hassan Alwan as a model)


    يتمايز السَّردُ العِرفانيُّ عن غيره من التّجارب السَّرديّة الأخرى بسماتٍ تشكّل أبعادهُ، ورؤاهُ، وشخصيّاتهِ، وعناصره السّرديّة كافَّةً؛ مما جعله يتطلَّبُ جُهدًا قرائيًّا يستبطنُ نصوصهُ ويتتبع إشاراتهِ، ويسبر أعماقها؛ ليستنطقها، وفقَ محاولاتٍ متكررةٍ للفهمِ المرهون بقراءات خاصة تسهم في رموزه.

ومن ثمّ؛ كان اختياري لرواية محمد حَسَن عُلْوَان "موت صَغير" التي اتّخذت مِنَ الشَّيخِ الرّئيسِ محيي الدّينِ بنِ عَرَبيّ منطلقًا لرؤيتها السّرديّة وموقفها من الحياة والموت والرزق والقدر والحساب والسّعادة تلك القضايا الكبرى التي تؤرّق المصير الإنسانيّ.

وقَدْ بَدَا السَّارِدُ فِي رِوَايةِ "عُلْوَان" محَايدًا؛ إذ سَلَّطَ الضَّوءَ عَلَى مختَلَفِ الشَّخْصِيَّاتِ في صُوَرِها المتَباينَةِ، ثُمّ رَسَم مِنْ خِلَالِ نَسْجِ الأَحدَاثِ والزَّمكَانيَّةِ ملَامحَ حيَاتِهُ ومراحِلَ علميّته وعِرفَانيَّتِهِ.

وَقفتِ الدِّرَاسَةُ أَمام عَتَبَاتِ النَّصِّ لأَهَميَّتِهَا ولتَفنُّنِهِ في العِنَايةِ بِها؛ إذ جَاءَتْ معَبِّرةً عَما يَقُولُهُ النَّصُّ وما أَضمرهُ، فَأوضح العُنْوَانُ العَلَاقَاتِ بَينَهُ وبَينَ المحتَوَى مما عَكَسَ صُوفِيَّةَ النَّصِّ الخَالِصَةٍ. وتَوقَّفتِ الدِّراسَةُ أَمام إشَارَاتِ العَتَبَاتِ، وصُوفِيَّةِ التَّصْدِيرِ، وتَتبَّعتِ الإشارَاتِ في البِنيَةِ السَّرْديَّةِ؛ مِن إشارَاتِ الزَّمانِ بتِقنيَاتهِ: كالخُلَاصَةِ، والحَذْفِ، والمشهَدِ الحِوَاريّ، والوَقَفاتِ الوَصْفِيَّةِ.

ووقفَتْ، أيضًا، أمام إشاراتِ المكَانِ؛ إذ انتقلَ بنا السَّارِدُ عبرَ الأَماكِنِ المغلقةِ التي جسَّد مِن خِلالِها حَياةَ البَرزخِ، والمفتُوحَةِ التي تَتفاعلُ معَ انطلاقِ الرُّوحِ في الملَكوتِ ودَرسَتْ طَواسينَ الشَّخصيَّاتِ من خلال الإشاراتِ والرُّموزِ وراءَها.

 ومن ثم؛ تتبَّعتْ إشَاراتِ الأَحْدَاثِ، واللُّغَةَ السَّرْديَّةَ في إشَارَاتِها لِلمطلُوبِ، واللُّغةَ الحِوَاريّةَ. وَختمتْ بالوقُوفِ أَمام اجتِرَاحَاتِ النّصِّ الصُّوفِيَّةِ؛ كالكَشفِ، والتَّجلِّي، والوَجْدِ، ودَرسَتْ تَجَليّاتِ القَضَايا الصُوفِيَّةِ الكُبرى: كالأَحوَالِ والمقَاماتِ.


The mystical narration “alsard alerfanyi” is more distinctive than other narrations due to its characteristics that form its aspects, visions, personalities, and all its narrative elements, which requires reading effort to introspect and search for the inner meaning of their texts to make the texts themselves reveal their content. According to many repeated attempts for the dependent understanding of the particular readings that help to decipher and pursue their significance. Therefore, I have chosen the narration of the Saudi writer Muhammad Hassan Olwan called Small Death “mawt saghir” who chose the Sheikh leader Muhyiddin bin Arabi as the starting point for his narrative vision and point of view on life, death, livelihood, destiny, Judgement Day, and happiness that relates to the major issues that plague the human fate. The narrative of Alwan appeared to be neutral; he shone a spotlight on the different figures. He highlighted moments of human weakness, figures, and then saw through the weaving of events and spatiotemporal the features of his life and his teaching of science and cognition. I stood in front of the thresholds of the text because of its importance and his artistically for it; So, it came expressing what the text says and what it implied; When the title reveals the relationships between it and the content in a purely mystical way that reflects the mysticism of the text, The study stopped in front the allusions of thresholds, the export of mystical, and I followed the allusions in the narrative structure, from the signs of time to its techniques, to its omissions, the scene of dialogue, and the descriptive postures. I also stopped in front of the place allusions in the novel; As the narrator moved us through the closed spaces through which he embodied the life of the isthmus and the open ones that interact with the release of the Spirit in the kingdom, and studied the peacocks of the characters in the narration, through the allusions and symbols behind the characters; and then; I traced the allusions of events, the narrative language in its allusions of the desired, and the conversational language. I concluded it by standing in front the mystical text gaining's, such as detection, I also transfigurations, and Wajaad, studied the manifestations of major mystical issues, as situations and denominators
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