A single letter form in grammarians’ perspective
Among the phrases is a form that comes as a single letter formula, and this includes the nouns: such as Taa of the subject, Kaf of the addressee, Yaa of the speaker, and verbs: such as (Qe) from (Waqa) and (`E) from (Wa’a), and the letters: Lam, Baa and Kaf of preposition, and Meem from (Maen), Alif from (Alhawa) and a Laam from (La`alla).
This study aims to reveal what comes of phrases in the form of one letter and what does not, and it attempts to clarify the effect of what is in the form of one letter in reasoning, and it seeks to collect disarranged rules related to it in the prevalent texts of the grammar books.
form – phrase – letter – single
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