The Prophetic Argument in the Narrative of Adam and Musa (a.s.)


This study addresses the prophetic argument in the narrative of Adam and Musa (a.s.). This study consists of introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. The introduction addresses the definition of argument and the narrative in Hadith, providing the text of the Hadith and clarifying the matter of argument by destiny. The first chapter presents: the premises of the prophetic argument in the narrative. While the second chapter analyzes the structure of the argument in this narrative. The third chapter evokes the techniques of the argument. The study concludes some results, including.

1.The integration of the premises of the prophetic arguments in the narrative of Adam and Musa (a.s.) as the premises are utilized in a unique persuasive manner. They were all connected in an extraordinary cohesive manner.

  1. The structure of the argument in the narrative is distinguished by its coherence and cohesion that helps in rhetorical persuasion, the elaboration of the issue in its various aspects, and the utilization of the tools of persuasion and narration in order to achieve the communicative goal with the most meaningful sense and the idealist indications.

3.The emergence of various techniques from the prophetic argument, depend on narrowing gap of dispute between different parties in terms of the sublimity of language and its combination of persuasion and enjoymen.


Rhetoric, prophetic, argument, narration, narrative, Adam, Musa.
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